Sherwood House August 2021 Calendar of Activity
We have an exciting upcoming month at Sherwood House. Download our calendar here!
We have an exciting upcoming month at Sherwood House. Download our calendar here!
As we gradually get back to some normalcy, we’re pleased to post our activity schedule for July.
July 2021 Activity Schedule – Sherwood House
You can also download it here.
Learn more about Sherwood House’s scheduled activities for May 2-May 8. All activities are conducted in accordance with required pandemic health and safety protocols, including social distancing.
Download the Activity Schedule file from the link immediately below.
Dear Residents, Family Members and Sherwood House Staff
I thank everyone for doing an awesome job keeping our Sherwood Community healthy. Please continue to follow Dr Bonnie Henry’s orders for prevention by physical distancing, handwashing and reducing flow of persons coming into and going out of Sherwood House. Designated Island Health Staff are assigned to our home as much as possible. Service contractors, such as maintenance, electrician, and foot care nurses are doing only essential on-site calls.
At this moment we believe we are healthy, but this could change with a single breath. We are doing our best to “self-isolate” our community, but this isolation is not absolute. Residents need to go off-site to medical appointments, for example. Furthermore, essential service staff and contract personnel are entering, and they have been in the community. We keep both these movements to an absolute minimum, but there remains an element of the risk of infection. If COVID-19 does enter Sherwood House then our second line of defense, to try and avoid the infection spreading to other residents before we even realize that it has arrived, is to keep up our physical distancing. Our dining room remains closed and we are delivering meals to each suite. Conversations, new jokes, and old stories are told between folk safely sitting 6 feet apart.
This will not be forever! Thank you for caring for one another and keeping each other’s spirits up.
Yours truly,
Laura Griffin
Our Home is aware of COVID-19 and on heightened alert, preventative measures are being implemented and we have necessary supports from the Medical Health Office and BC Centre for Disease Control.
For more information on these measures, please visit the link below.